Logo, Simplify Computer Technology Training - Computer Training
(808) 485-7417
134 Nakolo PL
Suite 200
Honolulu HI 96819

Essential CompTIA Security Plus & Network Plus Training

Receive the training you need to pursue a career in computer technology when you take the CompTIA Security Plus and Network Plus courses from Simplified ComputerTechnology Training. Based in Peal City, Hawaii, we make sure you walk into your certification exam with the knowledge and confidence you need to pass.

CompTIA A+ Training - $2263

Become a certified computer technician with this comprehensive 40-hour course. We cover all the skills and information you need to install, upgrade, repair, configure, troubleshoot, optimize, and maintain any basic personal computer hardware and software.

CompTIA Network Plus - $2239

Learn the secrets of networking. If you are considering a job as a network administrator, technician, installer, help desk technician, or IT cable installer, this 40-hour class will get you the certification you need and even includes a test voucher. The learning highlights include:

• Network Technology
• Installation
• Configuration
  • Media
• Topologies
  • Management
• Security


CompTIA Security Plus - $2263

Protect your infrastructure and information from outside attacks. This 40-hour training course breaks down IT security, risk factors, and how best to defend your system. You will learn the following:

• Types of Attacks &
  Malicious Code
• Remote Access Security
• Email & Web Security
  • Security Design & Baseline
• Monitoring & Intrusion
• Physical Security
  • Security Forensics
• Authentication &
  Authorization Basics
• Wireless Security

Cisco Certified Network Associate Training BOOTCAMP Course Catalog

Students at Class - CompTIA Security Plus
Touching the Screen - CompTIA Security Plus
 Contact us to learn more about our CompTIA Security Plus and Network Plus training.